View Profile Draqo
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Phoenix Chronicles @Draqo

Age 38, Male

Programmer, Musician

Network+ Certification

The interweb?

Joined on 1/6/07

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Draqo's News

Posted by Draqo - June 9th, 2008

Oh I'm so going to hell.

Made you look! Still working on other things, expect a surprise Thursday... might be a loop, might be the episode who knows. MaestroRage has got this electronic epica fetish going so I better catch up. Big things are happening and we're picking up speed.

Also, my studio software is fully legitimized as of 5/27/2008 (I buy what I use you free-loading bastards.)
FL8 Review:

It looks perty...Not much else other than more efficient coding, so those of you still using FL7 whether legal or not can stick with it. FL6-FL8 is really just a host for VST's and not much else, defaults are still the same, generators are the same, playlist is starting to become more visual-block orientated, yet they haven't really fixed the event modifiers to be user-friendly. Rejoice n00bs! As the starting filter on the global mixer is a real-time visual Limiter/Compressor so all your loud ass songs will stop crackling. Though a smart person would just make sure each instrument in the pattern/VST isn't up to high. >.>

Posted by Draqo - June 6th, 2008

In honor of learning Java, and my butchery skills in Photoshop, I have a new avatar. My old one got claimed by someone else. THIS ONE IS MINE! (though original overlord level icon is copyrighted respectively to Newgrounds and/or affiliates.)

Posted by Draqo - June 1st, 2008

LadyArsenic declares that I'm black. She even has seen pictures of my sorry 1/4th Irish self (not naked you f'ing douches,) white as can be and says I'm black.

With this eventful statement of a woman who can crush a man's skull with her very own voice, I declare (insert black power stereotype here.)

Posted by Draqo - May 15th, 2008

Episode 4 will be postponed for quite some time as I am currently working on a somewhat secret (and major) map project for UT2004 (Unreal Tournament 2004.) This will be a big collaboration including LadyArsenic and MaestroRage assisting and probably be my first true contribution to Symphony of Specters. I cannot give out much details now, lets just say that the caliber of my own composing went up a notch, the map is massive, and it's being made specifically for a top clan server. I cannot submit any scrap work as it will just ruin the surprise and shock factor of how massive this project really is.

UT2004 CTF fans rejoice as this will probably be the DOTA (Warcraft III) of UT2004. :)

Life status: I'm getting certified in Java, and right after that I'm taking Flash classes.

STAY TUNED! (Add me to favorites)

Posted by Draqo - May 11th, 2008

Before working on episode 4, I re-uploaded the first scrap loop to be used in flashes easily. I fixed the decibel bleed as well the half-second break before looping. Loop 2 maybe coming if I can't get a good riff for episode 4, stay tuned.

Posted by Draqo - May 1st, 2008

Phoenix Chronicles - Episode 3: Defense

Here it is, episode 3 of Phoenix Chronicles. Fun times NOT using global EQ, so I think I fixed the bleeding.

(BattleTech Genre Story)
The story continues after our heroine's mech is repaired. Something is brewing on the surface (0:00) and a scout helicopter is shot down by enemy fire (0:06). Enemy Mech's on the horizon, a lance of 5. Our heroine races to the radar room to see what's going on, her commanding officer orders her to the 'Mech Bay and make ready. Banshies are scrambled (Jet/space aircraft) while she is prepped to drop to the surface (0:38) (yes she was in space in Episode 2.) Our lass is not equipped to deal with 5 light Mech's however she is assisted by 2 heavy 65 tonners. The heavies themselves are sitting ducks for the the light and agile enemies. Banshies retreat now that the main defense can take care of things, giving her a chance to surprise the light 'Mechs as they chase the Banshies down. Suddenly, our lass jumps (1:06) from a dune and fires a salvo of missiles, crippling and force ejecting one enemy, now the battle is down to 4 versus 3. The heavies peal the lights apart. 4 down, 1 left and on the run (1:33). Too slow for the heavies to follow, but not fast enough to outrun our lass. She pursues, heavies support by firing long range missiles, hitting the leg of the enemy Mech and knocking him down (1:46). She catches up and takes a shot before the next missile completely destroys the 'Mech. She screams in the COM, "I GOT HIM BEFORE YOU DID!"

Stay tuned for Episode 4: "The Starport"


Posted by Draqo - April 25th, 2008

Episode 3 is delayed due to the fact that I'm having music block with the tune (it's actually mostly completed, but I'm picky and it's missing SOMETHING.)

But I'm trying to get episode 1 animated. So there's a new burden. >.<

Posted by Draqo - April 9th, 2008

Here it is, episode two! Given the thumbs up to be featured in AssualtTech 1: BattleTech game.

Introduction to new toys and effects for your listening pleasure.

(This is BattleTech genre for those just queuing in...)
Phoenix Chronicles - Episode 2: "The Workshop"
The story continues after the battle in the desert. Our heroine (yes it's a chick) is in the shop getting the 'Mech repaired. New introduction to male choirs since both men and women are repairing the machine. Parts are being taken off and worked on, then in the final stages everything is repaired and being placed back onto the 'Mech (1:10). The Mech rises to the 2nd floor (1:23) to fight another day! And by the looks of it it's going to be a big one...(Episode 3)

Episode 3 will be submitted next week, battle music though, not so much ambient.

Posted by Draqo - April 3rd, 2008

Yay for #3 spot.

UPDATE: EPISODE 2 IS DONE, YET BEING HELD HOSTAGE! MAHAHAHA. It will be submitted next week with perhaps a surprise.

I guess the story board thing is working out well. Almost a weeks work for progress (I started Episode 1 on 3/23, submitted it on the 27th) is now paying off for episodes 2 and 3. Fun times with new VSTi's and all the toys a musician can dream of, thanks from the help of BattleTech: AT1 audio staff and of course MaestroRage showing me the ropes.

For those of you that think Episode 1 wasn't really special...eh...I'm starting to hate it after listening over and over again so I wouldn't blame ya. However, Episode 2 has a feel of being played over and over and it never gets old. So here's the spoilers.

1) Same tempo as 1
2) More revised percussion of 1 (3 will be different)
3) Lots of "sweets" only 1 effect of the entire thing is from a sample, rest are instrumental (believe it or not when you hear it)
4) No epic-ness, no strings, winds, pipes, plucks, w/e. Might as well bypass it to 3 for that awesomeness.
5) Pure ambiance

Story (BattleTech/MechWarrior genre):
Episode 2 - "The Workshop"
Decided to make the character female, woopdy doo. Anyway it wasn't really important but it would explain all the female ambient choirs. In episode 1 it was just her so no male choirs, now I introduce them in episode 2 when people are repairing the Mech in the shop. You'll hear sound effects that aren't really sound effects but are from the generated sounds either from percussion or others (KNOBS ARE FUN!) You will hear repaired parts being placed and the Mech rising from the shop floor to the second level ready to fight another day (Episode 3.)

Episode 3 is currently in production, 4 is on the board. Add me to favorites. :p

Posted by Draqo - March 27th, 2008

Right Here is the first episode in my attempt to make ambient songs. Next one will probably be sad or uplifting who knows. But the third one will be gearing towards battle intensity (ambient though.)