Episode 4 will be postponed for quite some time as I am currently working on a somewhat secret (and major) map project for UT2004 (Unreal Tournament 2004.) This will be a big collaboration including LadyArsenic and MaestroRage assisting and probably be my first true contribution to Symphony of Specters. I cannot give out much details now, lets just say that the caliber of my own composing went up a notch, the map is massive, and it's being made specifically for a top clan server. I cannot submit any scrap work as it will just ruin the surprise and shock factor of how massive this project really is.
UT2004 CTF fans rejoice as this will probably be the DOTA (Warcraft III) of UT2004. :)
Life status: I'm getting certified in Java, and right after that I'm taking Flash classes.
STAY TUNED! (Add me to favorites)
no, I will never add you. I hate you like the festering cess pool of disgusting you are.
Brb while I crash the site...